
Miami has worn many tags(标签) through the past decades.But art was never high on the list.But,in 2002,Art Basel made Miami Beach its American home,bringing with it an international scene of lots of art dealers,collectors,critics and art lovers.This art fair lasts less than a week a year but it is one of the biggest in the world. “Art Basel gave Miami the power to believe in itself,and that's always a problem with regional(地方性的) art places,”said Mera Rubell,a Miami collector who,along with her husband,Don,owns the Rubell Family Collection.“The influenc30、2008年1月10日至2月2日,我国南方地区先后出现四次大范围低温雨雪冰冻过程。这次天气过程与特定的大气环流形势(图1)和拉尼娜现象(指赤道附近东太平洋表面海水大规模持续异常偏冷的现象,图2)密切相关。读图回答问题。 图1 图2 根据图1分析,形成此次灾害天气的原因是(   )     A.冷空气频繁南下                             B.西南季风带来的水汽多     C.暖湿气流带来大量水汽                       D.大气中的凝结核增多 评卷人 得分 三、综合题 (每空? 分,共? 分)
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