
书面表达,根据要求完成写作。      俗话说: “没有规矩,不成方圆。 ”在你的家里,也有类似上文中所述的家规吗?请你写一篇英文短文,简要阐述你需要遵守的有关学习、饮食、着装等方面的家规,并谈谈你的感受。 80词左右。 答案:There are many rules in my home. First, I’m not allowed to play sports with my friends on school nights. Second, I have to learn to play the piano for two hours at weekends. Third, I’m not allowed to eat hamburgers or sandwiches. Before going to bed, I must drink a glass of milk. I think all these rules are too strict. Luckily, I’m allowed to choose my own clothes. I think it’s a goo(2011年江苏南京,5题)下列物质能用途钾肥的是A.氯化钾B.尿素C.磷矿粉D.氨水
英语 试题推荐