
任务型阅读 When people want to find something on the Internet, they often say,“Let’s Google it!”It means “Let’s search for it on the Internet!” It all began in the summer of 1995, Larry Page, 24, and Sergey Brin, 23, met at Stanford University. In their project, the two students came up with a plan to make a new search engine(引擎). They founded(成立)Google a year later. It became a company on September 7,1998. Google is not the first search engine, but it is certainly the most successful. Google’s worldwide market share(市场占有率)was as high as 82.8 percent la 如图,直线y=﹣x+m与直线y=nx+5n(n≠0)的交点的横坐标为   ﹣2,则关于x的不等式﹣x+m>nx+5n>0的整数解为(  ).   A.﹣5       ,﹣4,﹣3         B.  ﹣4,﹣3 C.﹣4       ,﹣3,﹣2       D. ﹣3,﹣2
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