
I was in a strange city I didn’t know at all, and what’s more, I could not speak a word of the language. On my second day I got on the first bus that passed, rode on it for several stops, then got off and walked on. The first two hours passed pleasantly enough, then I decided to turn back to my hotel for lunch. After walking about for some time, I decided I had better ask the way. The trouble was that the only word I knew of the language was the name of the street in which I lived, and even that I pronounced badly. I stopped to ask a newspaper-seller. He handed me a 某水池有浮游动物和藻类两个种群,其种群密度随时间变化的趋势如下图所示。若向水池中投放大量专食浮游动物的某种鱼(丙),一段时间后。该水池甲、乙、丙三个种群中仅剩一个种群。下列关于该水池中上述三个种群间的关系及变化的叙述,正确的是( )A.甲和丙既有竞争关系又有捕食关系,最终仅剩下甲种群B.甲和乙既有竞争关系又有捕食关系,最终仅剩下丙种群C.丙和乙既有竞争关系又有捕食关系,最终仅剩下甲种群D.丙和乙既有竞争关系又有捕食关系,最终仅剩下丙种群
英语 试题推荐