
 “He was a nightmare (噩梦),” his mother, Mary said as I talked with her and her son Jamie. “I was sure he was going to end up in prison, or worse”. Seeing Jamie so full of life with his new friends, there was no room for imagination that he was ever a rebellious (叛逆的) kid. Jamie was raised by his mother after his father left ten years ago. They lived in a small flat with little money. Most of their neighbors were alcoholics, so crime was very common. At middle school, he quickly got in with the wrong crowd and began to steal everything from shoes to phones. Mary didn下表反映的是新民主主义革命时期中国共.产.党党员人数变化情况。其中,与1923年6月至1937年1月中国共.产.党党员人数变动无关的因素是时间1921.7   1923.61927.41927.81934.91937.11945.41949.10人数574325.7万1万多30多万4万多121万多448万多A.国民革命运动的迅速发展B.农村革命根据地的不断开辟C.中国工农红军的战略转移D.抗日民族统一战线的正式建立
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