
Mark was 11 and often went fishing with his father.Several hours before the bass(巴斯鱼) season opened,he and his father were fishing early in the evening.One hour later,he found he caught a big fish,but it was a bass. It was 10 pm--two hours before the season opened.His father looked at the fish,and then at the boy. You will have to put it back,son, he said.   Dad ! cried the boy. There will be other fish,said his father.   Not as big as this one, cried the boy. Mark looked around the lake.No others were around.Nobody would know what time he 两个生物兴趣小组分别对酵母菌细胞呼吸方式进行了如下的探究实验。请据题分析作答: (1)甲兴趣小组想探究的具体问题是:酵母菌是否在有氧、无氧条件下均能产生CO2。现提供若干套(每套均有数个)实验装置如图Ⅰ(A~D)所示: ①请根据实验目的选择装置序号,并按照实验的组装要求排序(装置可重复使用)。 有氧条件下的装置顺序:_________(用箭头和图中序号表示); 无氧条件下的装置顺序:_________(用箭头和图中序号表示)。 ②装置中C瓶的作用是:_________。 ③D瓶在连通其他瓶前应先封口放置一段时间,这是为了__________________。 (2)乙兴趣小组利用图Ⅱ所示装置(橡皮塞上的弯管为带有红色液滴的刻度玻璃管),探究酵母菌的细胞呼吸类型。 ①想得到实验结论还必须同时设置对照实验(实验过程中环境因素的影响忽略不计),请问对照实验装置(假设该装置编号为Ⅲ)如何设计?_________。 ②请预测与结论相符合的现象,并填写下表: ③若酵母菌消耗的O2为3 mol/L,而释放的CO2为9 mol/L,则酵母菌无氧呼吸消耗葡萄糖的量是有氧呼吸的_________倍。
英语 试题推荐