
Tom and Jim are students. Tom is thirteen years old and Jim is thirteen, too. They are in the same class in their school. One day, their English teacher is angry with them(生他们的气). Tom and Jim must(必须) write (写) their names a hundred times (一百遍). Jim is crying (哭起来). The teacher says, “Why(为什么) are you crying?” Jim says, “Tom’s name is Tom Hay, and my name is too long. It is Jim Allan Smith.” 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。  (   ) 1. Are Tom and Jim in the same class?         A. Yes, they are.      B. No, they aren’t.读表1,回答跨国公司从在中国投资设厂,发展到建立研发中心,说明上述城市:①动力价格越来越低廉  ②资本越来越过剩  ③科研人才更集中,技术力量更雄厚④面向的消费市场更广大  ⑤当地工业原材料价格降低  ⑥在全球分工中的地位提升A.①③④       B.③④⑥        C.②③④⑤    D.①③④⑥
英语 试题推荐