
(2016届江苏省盐城市东台市许河镇中学九年级上学期第二次调研)阅读下面的文章。 一树樱桃绿映红 包利民 樱桃是我心里的点点星光,樱桃树便是生命中永不消散的一抹眷恋。那时邻家的南菜园里,便生长着一棵樱桃树,每当粉红的花儿绽满枝头,邻家小妹妹的笑脸里便漾满了春风的涟漪。那个时候,我就在树下,教她一笔一画地写字。 邻家那时极贫困,几个孩子都没上过学。而最小的妹妹,却很是渴望能认字看书,每一次我放学回来,她都要跑六、 用方框中合适的介词填空。on  ,  before  ,  with  ,  for  ,  at  ,   of1. My brother always finishes his homework time.2. We must wait the green manwe cross the road.3. Look the green man,the bus goes .4. I often go shopping my mother at the weekends.5. There are a lot vegetables.6. I have some bread and milk my breakfast.
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