
The government realized that     61  (wear) masks had become a problem. Their use was limited by laws, the first of   62   dates back to the fourteenth century. Men were not allowed to dress 63  as women. In later    64   (time) more laws were passed. People who    65  (wear) masks could not carry firearms. And no one could enter a church wearing a mask.   66  the broke the laws, they were put into prison for up to two years.    67   (final), when Venice became part of the Austrian empire, at the end of the    68    (eighteen) century, masks were    4、无限风光的背后承载着多少梦想与汗水,超越梦想意味着突破;在鲜花、掌声献给胜者之时,生活中的我们别忘了自己的前行,梦想在于超越。 请以“超越梦想”为题写一篇不少于800字的文章。 要求:①角度自选;②立意自定;③除诗歌外,文体自选。 评卷人 得分 二、名句默写 (每空? 分,共? 分)
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