
关于大气环流的叙述,正确的是(    ) A.大气环流是具有全球性的有规律的大气运动,也是大气运动最简单的形式 B.大气环流使高低纬之间和海陆之间的热量和水汽得到交换 C.大气环流的形式原因是高低纬之间的受热不均和地转偏向力 D.大气环流就是三圈环流   答案:B本题主要考查大气环流的概念、意义、成因以及与三圈环流的关系。A项把大气环流与热力环流这两种大气运动形式混为一谈,其实热力环流是一种只考虑热力因素而不考虑动力因素的理想化的最简单的大气运动形式,而大气环流则是由多种因素形成的规模最大的实际大气运动形式。B项是正确的,但有根据句子意思,用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1. It’s (polite) to push in the line before others.2.Some money (donate) to the poor people by the government every year.3.You can keep in touch by_________(write) emails to each other. 4.Alice _______________(give) some advice on how to improve her listening skills, and she accepted Miss Green’s happily.5. It’s (mean) to read so many boring books.6.The courses cover many topics,__________(include) travel and hotel, etc.7.The teacher warned us (not talk) in class.8. ---You look sad. What has happened? ---Everyone expected us __________(win) the match, but we lost.
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