
完形填空。We've always been making dreams.Dreams are different from person to person,and also from time to time.But at a certain time,people share the _1__ dreams.In the 1970s,the second­hand clothes,_2__ buildings became part of my memory.__3__,I was feeling hungry all the time.At that time,my only dream was getting enough __4__.In the early years of 1980s,my childhood dream came true and another dream became clear in my mind.I must try to __5__ my poor hometown village.I worked hard at my study,and finally I moved out and began to work in a __6_.After that,I beganx0234f(x)-1123已知定义在R上函数f(x)部分自变量与函数值对应关系如右表若f(x)为偶函数,且在[0,+∞)上为增函数,不等式1<f(x-1)<2的解集是A.-2<x<-1B.3<x<4C.-2<x<-1或3<x<4D.-2<x<4
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