
依次填入句中横线上的词语,最恰当的一组是 ①我根据我的医药方面的________,给她一服安眠的药水。它果然发生了我所预期的_____,她一服下去就像死了一样昏沉过去。②医院作为特殊的公共__________,应该讲究语言得体,“欢迎你再来”这一类语言是不宜随便使用的。③2006年1月1日,中国26年来粮食接受联合国________的历史画上了句号。A.学问           效率              场合              馈赠B.学识           效率      1. The doctor asked him to stick his ________(舌头)out and say “Ah . . . ”. 2. The students who failed to meet these ________(要求)will not be admitted into the university. 3. I thought this vast wave of food was the total number of dishes to be served,  and I started eating ________(贪婪地). 4. The ________(臭名昭著的) traitor was sentenced to death. 5. The list of ingredients sounds very ________(令人垂涎的). 6. We thought we had rats in the house,  so we put out bowls of rat ________(毒药). 7. My sense of ________(味觉)isn’t very good;  I’ve got a cold. 8. We should do the duty which we ________(应给予)to our country. 9. He listened to her story in an interesting ________(方式). 10. A state ________(宴会)was given in honor of the visiting president. 
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