
在世界地形图上,干流两次穿过赤道的世界大河是                                                 (    )        A.刚果河         B.尼罗河          C.亚马孙河      D.密西西比河 答案:A听录音,根据问题选择最合适的答句,将其字母编号填在括号里。(______)1.A. I was late for bed last night. B. My mum worked last night.(______)2.A. It’s usually in September. B. It’s usually in June.(______)3.A.Yes,it’s mine. B. No, it’s yellow.(______)4.A. They are eating bamboos. B. They are eating on the hills.(______)5.A. Yes, it is. B. No, I like my birthday.(______)6.A. Yes, I often go with my family. B. Yes, we often go to the library.(______)7.A. They are playing football. B. They like to play football.(______)8.A. Because we have the summer vacation. B. Because we can make a snowman.(______)9.A. It’s my father’s. B. They are my brother’s.(______)10.A. It’s April 1st B. It’s Saturday.
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