
【2011·河北邯郸市二模】 B Dear Stiff, Several weeks ago I asked you about the best way to travel to Edinburgh overnight and you advised me to go by coach(长途大巴). “It’s cheap and convenient,” you said. “And very comfortable.” Well, I took your advice. Now let me tell you what happened! We left on time (and with plenty of loud music!) and stopped for supper at a café at about 9:30 p. m.  It wasn’t the sort of place I like eating in and it was also very crowded, so I decided to buy some chocolate. I had some fruit with me too, so at least I didn’t go hu(2010?汕头)“低碳生活”、“低碳技术”的基本理念是节能减排.下列做法不符合“低碳”理念的是( )A.焚烧大量秸杆B.焚烧垃圾发电C.用旧报纸制铅笔杆D.使用可降解塑料
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