
We have a lot of food in   for the bad weather. A.storeB.effect C.useD.search 答案:A 解析: 表示准备或储存某物以备将来之需,用in store。in effect意为“生效”;in use表示“使用”;in search for则是“寻找”之意,用在本题中都不妥。故选A。完形填空 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。 Creativity(创造力)is the key to a bright future. Here is schools and parents can help their children to develop their creativity. Drew worked for a company in 1925. At work he invented(发明)a kind of material enough to hold things together. But his boss told him not to think more about the idea. Drew didn't stop and finally, using his own time, made a kind of tape, which now is used everywhere by many people. And his company learned from its .Now the company asked its workers to 15 percent of their work time just thinking about and developing new ideas. Creativity is not something one is just born with. A person with high intelligence(智力)does not mean that he uses it creatively. Creativity is the matter of your intelligence to think of new ideas that are good for something. We know that many schools have tried to develop students' creativity, but some teachers only want to develop students' reading, writing and math skills, and have to creativity for correct answers. Children from such schools can give correct answers, but they are unable to use to work out problems It is important to give children choices. From the earliest age, children should learn to make decisions and understand their . Even though it's choosing between two kinds of food lunch, decision-making helps thinking skills. As children grow older, parents should let their children decide how to use their time or spend their money, but not help them too much if they make the wrong decision. The child may have a time, but that is all right.【1】A. when B. where C. how D. what【2】A. thick B. wide C. light D. strong【3】A. mistake B. thought C. suggestion D. effect【4】A. take B. cost C. spend D. pay【5】A. finding B. using C. taking D. improving【6】A. grow up B. catch up C. give up D. hurry up【7】A. it B. them C. that D. ones【8】A. meanings B. conversations C. results D. questions【9】A. with B. to C. of D. for【10】A. hard B. lucky C. happy D. mad
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