
Mrs. Wang and her little daughter come into a bank, 这个女孩只有两岁。She is eating an apple.Mrs. Wang comes to one of the windows of iron railings(铁栏杆)。The girl watches a clerk and gives her apple to the clerk.The clerk smiles and says: “Oh, no, thanks”. “Oh, no, dear.Don't do that.We aren't in the zoo.” The mother says.Then she says to the clerk, “I'm sorry.Please forgive(宽恕)my daughter.We've just been(刚刚去了)to the zoo(动物园).” 1.将文中画线部分翻译成英语:                     以下是有关动物的叙述,正确的是(  )A.在天空中飞翔的蜻蜓,其体表与我们人的皮肤一样柔软而有弹性B.生物分类上,泥鳅、青蛙、五步蛇、蝙蝠等无脊椎动物归为一类,蚯蚓、虾、蜘蛛、瓢虫等脊椎动物归为另一类C.海蜇和涡虫身体上的同一个开口既用于取食又用于排便D.无脊椎动物的胚后发育都是变态发育
英语 试题推荐