
Many people have described television as a passive activity that is harmful to children’s education. However, there are good and bad ways to watch television. Parents who are interested in using television as a learning tool can actually turn time in front of TV into an educational chance. Probably the most familiar educational way to use television is to simply watch educational programs. In particular, this means selecting channels and programs specially designed for educational purposes. Along with traditional educational shows for children on public broadcasting channels, cable televisio如图为某些微小生物的形态图,请据图回答下列问题:(1)图片中 B生物属于 ,它的结构是由 和 组成.B生物不能独立生活,只能寄生在 中.(2)在酿酒、做面包和蒸馒头时离不开[ ] ,酿酒时必需设置无氧环境.(3)D的菌体是由细胞连接而成的 构成的,它靠产生大量的 来繁殖后代.(4)字母A所指的生物每一个细胞都是独立生活的,因此属于 生物.
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