
如图所示,虚线a、b、c是电场中的三个等势面,相邻等势面间的电势差相同,实线为一个带正电的质点仅在电场力作用下,通过该区域的运动轨迹,P、Q是轨迹上的两点。下列说法中正确的是   (   )A.三个等势面中,等势面a的电势最高B.带电质点一定是从P点向Q点运动C.带电质点通过P点时的加速度比通过Q点时小D.带电质点通过P点时的动能比通过Q点时小  完形填空。     "Fit for body, fit for study." is an interesting exercise program of a high school. After 4:20 p.m. allthe students of the high school    1   on the playground to run for exercise.     Every afternoon from Monday to Friday, one hour before supper the Students at school    2   the playground to run for 40 minutes. The high school started the    3   last winter Why did the school do so? When the winter came, many students were    4   to catch a cold or get sleepy during evening classes.The school was worried about it and then they    5   upwiththe exercise program to make a change.      Now most students prefer to   6   an active part in the program and benefit (受益) From it in the highschool.     It gets my brain (大脑) active and makes me learn more, so I'm ready for    7   classes, said Li Lin in Grade Three.      "I'm getting    8   now, so I don't get a cold in winter said Gao Lei in Grade Two.      But some students were not    9   inthe program at first However MID months later, the program worked well. Most students didn't get sleepy any more during evening classes-And   10   students got a cold in winter. Actually, the program suited them just fine.    Today all the students fall in love with the sport program. They run every-day to keep healthy for their bodies and studies. (     )1.A.get to     (     )2.A.come to    (     )3.A.change     (     )4.A.possible   (     )5.A.put        (     )6.A.take       (     )7.A.morning    (     )8.A.confident      (     )9.A.excited    (     )10.A.few        B.get on         B.come on         B.study            B.easy           B.came            B.regard          B.afternoon           B.strong         B.exciting        B.a few          C.get together       C.come out            C.display              C.deep              C.added                C.join                C .evening             C.correct              C.interesting       C.a little         D.get from        D.come up              D.program           D.serious           D.realized             D.experience                       D.noon                D.warm                 D.interested       D.little        
物理 试题推荐