
When Elizabeth got married, it seemed as if her life would be_61__________(comfort) and peaceful. However, she wasn't content_62_____her easy life. She saw many poor people_63_____(live) near her and she wanted to help them. One day,she_64_____(invite) to visit a prison. At first the prison officers did not want to let her visit the_65_______(woman) prisoners because they feared the prisoners would attack her,66________Elizabeth was not afraid. She realized that the prisoners behaved_67_____(bad) because they were being treated like animals. They had terrible living conditions. So Eliz下列各句中,没有语病的一句是(  ) A.记者从抢险救援指挥部获悉,11月21日凌晨2时30分发生在黑龙江省龙煤控股集团鹤岗分公司新兴煤矿的事故,导致108名矿工遇难。事故原因初步确认为是瓦斯爆炸造成的。 B.婺源古村落的建筑,是当今中国古建筑保存最多、最完好的地方之一。全县至今仍完好地保存着明清时代的古祠堂113座、古府第28栋、古民宅36幢和古桥187座。 C.现代社会就像一艘巨大海轮,它的顺利航行取决于机器运转是否正常、人员操作是否规范、气候是否异常、航线是否通畅等诸多因素。 D.温哥华冬奥会女子冰壶循环赛进入到第九轮的争夺,中国队迎战夺冠大热门加拿大队。最终,中国队以6∶5险胜东道主晋级下一轮比赛。
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