
1. I was in the ________ (embarrass) position of having completely forgotten her name when she waved and greeted me. 2. Look at all the workbooks and papers on my desk! You can imagine how fully ________ (occupy) I will be today. 3. When ________ (ask) whether he had finished his homework, the boy stopped watching TV and went into his study quickly. 4. When he woke up in the morning, he found all his possessions ________ (steal). 5. By the time he was 18 years old, he _______ (travel) to most of the countries in Europe. 6. Unfortunately, the heavy rain yesterday ________ (destroy) all   鲁四老爷听说家中佣人被婆家绑走后,说到:“可恶!然而……”选出对这句话理解正确的一项: [  ] A.“可恶”指的是祥林嫂,“然而”后的话是“情有可原”。 B.“可恶”指的是祥林嫂,“然而”后的话是“无可奈何”。 C.“可恶”指的是婆家人,“然而”后的话是“情有可原”。 D.“可恶”指的是婆家人,“然而”后的话是“祥林嫂也太不小心了”。
英语 试题推荐