
完形填空。 On a Saturday morning,I went camping in Green Natural Park with some friends. We were happy because it was a sunny day. All the way there,we sang songs and made jokes.   1  ,in the afternoon,when we finished our picnic(野餐)at one o'clock,it was dark and windy. Soon,it started to rain. Unluckily,none of us brought a(n)  2  .We ran about but couldn't find any places to   3 . Twenty minutes passed and it was still raining. There was a long way to go  4  we reached the campsite(野营地).It was 5  worse because our compass(指南针)showed that we 20、阅读材料并回答问题:材料一:通常食醋中约含3%~5%的醋酸.醋酸的化学式为CH3COOH,在温度高于16.6℃时是一种无色液体,易溶于水,醋酸具有酸的通性.材料二钙是人体的一种常用元素,人们每日必须摄入一定量的钙.动物的骨头中含有磷酸钙,但磷酸钙难溶于水,却能跟酸反应生成可溶性的钙盐.(1)在10℃时,醋酸的状态是固态;(2)生活中能否用铝制品来盛放食醋?不能原因因为铝会与食醋中的醋酸反应;(3)人们在熬骨头汤时,常常会加入少量食醋,这样做的理由是使不溶于水的磷酸钙转变为可溶于水的钙盐.
英语 试题推荐