
    Now, the First Photo Competition is held in our city. We have received many wonderful pictures. But we can’t give prizes to everyone. There are four kinds of prizes for our winners. KindsWinnersWorksTime Beautiful natureLi HaoXiangshan Park2010-10-26 Zhou YingBeihai Beach2009-11-02 Wang LiXianglu Peak2010-01-08 Historic China Li WeiyuanBeijing Siheyuan2009-12-20 Tong HuaThe Great Wall2008-09-15 Zhao TiantianThe Forbidden City2010-08-08 Lovely animalsOuyang SuKangaroos2009-04-25 Zhu TingA panda and its baby2009-08-18 Modern China Qin HeyuePudong New Area in Shanghai2010-10晚上7时用24时记时法表示是晚上19时. (___)
英语 试题推荐