
法布尔在野外的自然状态下,实地观察研究昆虫行为的方法是:     (    )  A、实验法        B、观察法        C、筛选法        D、做图法  答案:B解析:略  阅读理解   The US company iRobot made a new kind of sub-marine(潜水艇), called the Seaglider, last week   The robotic submarine was developed by researchers at the University of Washington.It is about 1.8 meters long and weighs about 52 kilograms.It moves through water at a speed of up to 20-25 kilometers a day and can stay at sea for up to six months before needing a battery recharged.This special character results from its special propulsion system(动力系统).Unlike a traditional submarine, the Seaglider does not have a propeller(螺旋桨).It has an air tank that is emptied and filled to adjust(调整)depth, as well as a pair of wings that help to guide and lead the submarine.   A traditional submarine, on the other hand, “puts water inside tanks to make it heavier, or it will expel(排出)the water to make it lighter, ” explained Frederick, a professor at the University of Washington.   Each time the Seaglider comes to the surface, it sends the data which it collects to its controllers by satellite.Operators can also send the submarine new information.For example, they can change its course in their office through giving the computer orders.   Seagliders are already being used for scientific research, such as environmental studies.iRobot also hopes to sell the submarine to the military(军队).At $100, 000 each, the Seaglider is a cheap way to keep an eye on the ocean.   “These things can go out there and monitor(监控)large areas of ocean because they’re very persistent.They can go for thousands of miles on their own.At the same time, you can tell them to stay in one place and they can circle, ” says Helen Greiner, chairwoman of iRobot.“This is science fiction stuff in many ways, but it’s really out there and working.” (1) Unlike a traditional submarine, the Seaglider ________. [  ] A. is only 1.8 meters long and weighs 52 kilograms B. has an air tank to adjust depth instead of a propeller C. can travel at a speed of 150 kilometers a day D. can be used to do environmental research (2) When the Seaglider comes to the surface, it will ________. [  ] A. change its battery B. send the data to its controllers C. force out a lot of water D. stay in one place (3) Nowadays, the Seaglider is being used only ________. [  ] A. by the military B. in science fiction C. by the government D. in scientific research (4) It can be inferred from the passage that the Seaglider ________. [  ] A. can change its course itself B. doesn’t need a battery recharged C. doesn’t have a long life D. is not driven by a human being
生物 试题推荐