
  So you want to have a tarantula(狼蛛)as a pet? You want to join the fastest growing hobby in the US? Read this beginner’s guide to learn the most important facts. What is a tarantula? Tarantulas are primitive spiders(远古的蜘蛛). They are usually hairier and larger than normal spiders. Why keep tarantulas? Tarantulas are really interesting pets. They don’t need much space, they aren’t expensive to feed, they live a long time, they don’t make much mess, and they aren’t dangerous. When did people start keeping tarantulas as a hobby? They started in the 1970s when the ‘M下图装置可以完成多个实验,具有药品用量少、现象明显、尾气不外逸等优点。⑴ 若滴管甲中吸有浓氨水,滴管乙中吸有无色酚酞溶液,将甲、乙中的液体同时挤出,一段时间后,观察到无色酚酞溶液变红,主要说明分子具有的什么性质。                                                                ⑵ 若滴管甲中吸有水,滴管乙中吸有稀硫酸,烧杯①中盛有用石蕊溶液染成紫色的干燥纸花,烧杯②中盛有碳酸钠粉末。依次将甲、乙中的液体滴入烧杯①、②中,可观察的现象是什么?⑶ 若滴管甲中的液体是水,且挤出后观察出气球明显鼓起,一段时间后恢复原状,则烧杯中的固体可能是什么物质?                        ;若该现象是由发生化合反应而引起的,则该反应的化学方程式是                                        。
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