
完形填空 One day a little mouse was thirsty(口渴的). She looked around for water to drink. She climbed up on a table. And she saw a bottle on the table. The mouth of the bottle was   1   . The little mouse looked inside the bottle. “Aha, there is   2  milk in it. That’s great.” She went into it and drank. She drank and drank. After a moment she had drunk enough. Her stomach(胃)was too big and she couldn't come   3   the bottle. She cried for help. Just then a cat came up to the table.   4   he heard the cry the cat jumped onto the table so   5  ,13.阅读材料,回答问题。材料一:到1952年底,全国近三亿无地或少地的农民分到了土地。存在中国两千多年的封建土地制度被彻底废除了,农民成为土地的主人,在政治上、经济上翻了身,解放了生产力,农业生产获得迅速发展。材料二:土地改革后,中国共.产.党及时引导农民组织起来,走互助合作道路,把小农经济逐步改造成社会主义集体经济。农业合作化的优越性,促使农民踊跃参加合作社,走社会主义道路。1955年,全国掀起农业合作化的高潮。1956年全国参加合作社农户1.18亿户,占全国农民总数96.3%。材料三:一切财产由公社统一核算,统一分配;大办公共食堂,提倡吃饭不要钱。社员的自留地、家畜、果树等,都归公社所有。许多果树被砍、家禽被屠宰。请完成:(1)材料一、二、三分别反映的是我国现代历史上哪些重大事件?其中能够调动农民生产积极性的事件是哪些?(2)材料一事件中,土地的性质有没有改变?为什么?(3)从材料三中,我们应该吸取什么教训?
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