
下列句子中,没有语病的一项是                                         ( ) A.青少年是上网人群中的主力军,但最近几年,在发达国家中60岁以上的老年人也纷纷“触网”,老年人“网虫”的人数激增。 B.据中科院动物研究所初步鉴定,这头金色牦牛是世界上新发现的一种野生动物,并命名为“金丝牦牛”。 C.近年来,在秀丽的南粤大地上,拔地而起的九洲城、海南琼苑、风城大厦等一批多功能新型建筑物,令人流连忘返,构Tom: Do you like watching TV, Ann? Ann: Yes, it’s my favourite hobby. Tom: How often do you watch TV? Ann: Almost every day, but not long. Tom: Which is your favourite program? Ann: The TV Quiz Show attracts me most. Tom: Why? Ann: Because from the program, I can learn a lot. They are different from the text book. Tom: Do you think watching TV is bad for your study? Ann: I don’t think so. On the contrary, it is helpful to my study. 假设你是Ann,请你根据以上对话内容写一篇80字的短文,说明你对看电视的看法。开头已写好。 My favourite hobby is watching TV. ________________________________________________
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