
1. We may get the advertisement above        · A. on television                       B. in kid’s 'cartoons C. in the Go Wild newspaper     D. in Primary times 2.In the material, “Peckish” on the bag most probably refers to _______. A. a garden bird food                   B. a kind of bird C. a bird program                     D. a bird website 3. The activities have something to do with __________.        A. a free tour of Bird World              B. a fab family prize C. tickets to t甲、乙、丙、丁四种金属.甲即使在高温时也不与氧气反应.乙、丙、丁在一定条件下都能与氧气反应.丁盐的水溶液可用丙制的容器盛放,但不能用乙制的容器盛放.这四种金属的活动性由强到弱的顺序是( )A.甲>乙>丁>丙B.丙>丁>乙>甲C.丙>乙>丁>甲D.乙>丁>丙>甲
英语 试题推荐