
根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。其中有两项为多余选项。 Sleep is something we all do. But some people need to sleep more than others. Babies sleep most of the time. Children in school sleep about ten to twelve hours a night. Most grown-ups sleep only seven or eight hours.  All parts of our bodies have to rest after they work. Our arms need a rest after we lift heavy things. When we run fast, our legs work hard. They get tired. We have to rest them. Our brains work hard, too.      We can sit quite still and rest our arms an 清晨,看到草地上的露,露的形成属于物态变化中的 [  ] A. 熔化 B. 凝固 C. 液化 D. 汽化
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