
用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 1. Hamburgers are         (health) food . 2. There are some       (potato) on the desk. 3. Mike and water are healthy        (drink) 4. My sister would like some       (beef). 5. There are some         (melon) on the table . 答案: 1. unhealthy 2. potatoes 3. dinks 4. beef 5. melons 选择列词语中没有错别字的一项 [  ] A.迫不急待  温柔敦厚  洪波泳起  浊流宛转 B.歌以咏至  引人入胜  九曲连环  弃圣绝智 C.英姿飒爽  非夷所思  竹篙    污篾 D.苛捐杂税  情有独钟  毫无生气  不可思议
英语 试题推荐