
根据句意及首字母提示完成单词 1. There are a lot of clouds today. It is going to r            later on. 2. It will p            snow. You should put on warm clothes. 3. Look at the c            in the sky. They look like some sheep. 4. It is often s            in winter in the northeast of China. 5. The wind is so s            today that it’s difficult to walk.水是重要的自然资源,保护水资源是公民应尽的义务.在下列情况下,一般不会造成河水污染的是A.工业生产中废水、废气、废渣的任意排放B.农业生产中农药、化肥使用不当C.生活污水的任意排放D.植树造林,加大绿化面积
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