
阅读下面这首词,完成后面小题。 唐 多 令 吴文英 何处合成愁?离人心上秋。纵芭蕉、不雨也飕飕。都道晚凉天气好,有明月、怕登楼。 年事梦中休。花空烟水流。燕辞归、客尚淹留。垂柳不萦裙带住,漫长是、系行舟。 [注释]漫:徒然。 24.“离人心上秋”自古为人称道,请简要赏析。作者为什么说“有明月、怕登楼”? 25.词的下片手法多样,感情丰富,试作简要分析。Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others?A. The boy is from Chile.B. I’d like to buy a Father Christmas coat.C. Please check your homework carefully.D. It’s hard for me to choose which one is the best.
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