
No country in the world has more daily newspapers than the USA. There are almost 2,000 of them, as compared with 180 in Japan, 164 in Argentina and 111 in Britain. The quality of some American papers is extremely high and their views are quoted all over the world. Famous dailies like the Washington Post or the New York Times have a powerful influence all over the country. However, they are not national newspapers in the sense that The Times is in Britain or Le Monde is in France, since each American city has its own daily newspaper. The best of these present detailed description of national an下列说法不正确的一项是( )A.《傅雷家书》中的傅雷先生以自己深厚的学养、真挚的父爱,对儿子的生活和艺术修养进行悉心指导,让我们感受到了那份动人的舐犊之情。B.《战国策》是西汉末年刘向根据战国史书整理编辑的,《唐雎不辱使命》和《邹忌讽齐王纳谏》都出自该书。C.司马迁,西汉著名史学家、文学家,他用毕生精力著成了我国第一部编年体史书《史记》。D.《诗经》是我国最早的一部诗歌总集,收录了从西周初年到春秋时期的诗歌305篇,这些诗歌分为“风”“雅”“颂”三个部分。
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