
任务型阅读 ,阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成下列各题。 Lewis loved sports. He watched them on TV. He listened to them on the radio. He read about them in the newspaper. One day, Lewis decided that he wanted to be an athlete. “I want to find a sport that I’m good at,” he said. “I will help you find one,” said his friend Kirby. They went to the swimming pool. Lewis climbed up to the diving board (跳水板). But he ended up hitting the water with a stinging (刺痛的) smack (啪的一声)! “Diving is not for me,” said Lewis. They went to the tennis co在3.14,7,π和9这四个实数中,无理数是(  )A.3.14和7B.π和9C.7和9D.π和7
英语 试题推荐