
下列句子中,加点成语使用正确的一项是(    ) A、他们到底扶持起了多少畜牧企业没有人记得清,只记得他们所到之处,大量畜牧业脱颖而出。 B、这次来美国参加国际会议,要积极参加活动,既能向各国的同行学习,又能走马观花的感受美国的生活。 C、年轻的城市,更需要青春和活力,更需要丰富的想像力和摧枯拉朽的创造力,更需要不断超越的勇气。 D、她扮演的众多角色尽管各不相同,但都有一种共同的东西,那就是舍我其谁的傲气和不达John is twelve years old. He had a bad cold and coughed (咳嗽) day and night. He went to see a doctor. The doctor gave him some cough medicine.Cough MedicineShake it well before use. Take it three times each day before meals.AgeDose (药量)/ each timeover 142 teaspoonfuls (勺)8~131 teaspoonful4~71/2 teaspoonfulNot right for children below the age of three. Put it in a cold place. Use it before December 1st 2014.【1】 John should take _________ a day.A. 2 teaspoonfuls B. 3 teaspoonfulsC. 4 teaspoonfuls D. 1 teaspoonful【2】The medicine should be kept in _________.A. a fridge B. hot waterC. any place D. the sun【3】John should ________ before he takes it.A. drink a cup of tea B. eat nothingC. do some exercise D. shake the medicine well【4】 When people are _________ years old, they can’t take this medicine.A. eighty B. thirty C. two D. twelve【5】 John will _________ when it is left after Dc. 1st, 2014.A. take the medicineB. throw away the medicineC. still keep the medicineD. give the medicine back to the doctor
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