
右图是电脑模拟某日地球的太阳光照图,光亮部分为白天,据此回答第1题。     1.图示季节,下列现象叙述肯定正确的是 (     ) A.揭阳昼渐短、夜渐长       B.北印度洋季风洋流顺时针运动 C.潘帕斯草原一片嫩绿            D.硅谷炎热干燥 答案:C   Victor used to be such a good runner that he 1 (win) nine awards at the age of 18. Then one day while he 2 (run) along the roadside,an accident suddenly happened to him. Unfortunately both of his legs 3 (injure) seriously by a car out of control. Since then,he 4 (not be) able to walk any more.    After a long time,however,he knew life 5 (not stop) for him. He focused on what he could do instead of what he lost. He realized that there were many possibilities for the disabled. One of the things he became interested in was foreign languages.    Every day he listened to tapes and read books. After several years he became fluent in three languages. Then he 6 (try) his best to work as a translator in a company. To everybody surprise,he became the best one in the city.   Though Victor wishes he could walk,he is always looking forward to 7 (live) a wonderful life in the future. Sometimes he 8 (miss) being able to walk or run. But now at least he can live on his own and make himself 9 (enjoy) what he likes. He thinks there's much 10 (be) thankful for. 请将答案填在下面相应横线上:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
地理 试题推荐