
On the morning of May 18, 2010, Enzo Piscopo’s alarm clock went off, signaling the start of another workday. Moments later, unbearable pain shot through his back. “I  21  so loud that I probably woke up the whole neighborhood,”he says. He became paralyzed(瘫痪的) from the waist down. Doctors said he’d likely never  22  again. The last three years have been a challenging, but equally  23 , journey for Enzo, a Coca-Cola employee since 1996. He has gone through great pain, relearned everyday tasks and got used to life in a  24 . “These lessons have made me the happiest I阅读下面这首古诗,完成两小题。中秋步月南宋·翁卷幽兴苦相引,水边行复行。不知今夜月,曾动几人情。光逼流萤断,寒侵宿鸟惊。欲归犹未忍,清露滴三更。【注释】:翁卷,字灵舒,乐清(今属浙江温州)人,南宋诗人,为“永嘉四灵”之一。生平未仕,以诗游士大夫间。1.诗歌首联中“ ”、“ ”等短语(或词语),形象描写出诗人受月色吸引,流连月色的情状。2.有人认为颈联“光逼流萤断,寒侵宿鸟惊”的景物描写与作者中秋赏月的愉悦是矛盾的,你同意吗?说说理由。
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