
2.下列句子中,加横线词语使用正确的一项是(     ) A.这部精彩的电视剧播出时,几乎万人空巷,人们在家守着荧屏,街上显得静悄悄的。  B.但渔父是以此来表现他无是非、无原则、明哲保身的生活态度,这就有问题了,当然也就同屈原那种坚持真理、九死未悔的精神格格不入。 C.在全国蔬菜价格迅速攀高的情况下,不少不法商贩如雨后春笋般充当市场的指挥棒,哄抬物价,导致普通大蒜都能卖到九元一斤。 D.前几年的NBA西部球队是以Booking a trip on an online travel site is convenient, but comes with its own set of problems.◆They know who’s gone to spend more.Last year, U. S travel research company Orbitz tracked people’s online activities to test out whether Mac users spend more on travel than PC users. Turns out that on average, Mac users lay out US $ 20~30 more per night on hotels. As a result, online travel sites show these users more expensive travel options first. To avoid paying more, sort results by price.◆Their software doesn’t always link to the hotel’s system.A guaranteed reservation is almost impossible to come by anywhere — but the risk of your flight or hotel being overbooked increases with third-party providers. The middleman’s software isn’t immune(防护作用的) to system errors, so always call the hotel or airline to make sure your booking was processed.◆You could miss out on loyalty (积分) points.Third party providers can get between you and frequent flyer miles or points. Many hotel loyalty programs don’t recognize external sites, others award only minimum points without special offers, like double points on hotel stays.◆Don’t be fooled by packages: Often, they’re low-end items grouped together.Ever notice how travel sites recommend a hotel, a rental car, and tour package all in one click. These deals usually feature travel that no one wants, like flights with multiple layovers(中途停留). Check the fine print.◆Once your trip is purchased, you’re on your own.An online travel agency can’t provide assistance the same way an agent can if a flight is cancelled or a room is substandard. Basically, when you arrive at the airport or hotel, you’re just another customer who booked at the lowest rate.1.What does the writer mainly intend to tell readers?A. Tips of how to reserve flights on line.B. Problems of reserving a hotel on line.C. Notices about reserving a trip on line.D. Traps in reserving hotels and flights on line.2.Why do people probably spend more on their online reservation for trips?A. They book at prices offered first by travel sites.B. They are shown less expensive travel options first.C. Some of the travel expenses are earned by Mac users.D. Their flights or hotels are overbooked by tourist agencies.3.Which of the following can replace the underlined “fine print”?A. Detailed items. B. Discounted prices.C. Good deals. D. Special services.4.What can we learn from the passage?A. The third parties will provide good travel services on line.B. Few people book trips on line because of possible troubles.C. Travelers’ interests may not be guaranteed with booking on line.D. Those booking trips on line will benefit much from loyalty points
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