
34 (2010·福建省厦门市杏南中学高三10月月考) 假设你是李华,是厦门某中学的高三学生。你的英国网友Cathy发来电子邮件,告诉你她将于暑假来中国旅游,并决定来厦门和你呆一周。但她有些情况不清楚。请你给她回一封电子邮件。 Subject: visit to China From Cathy从7月10日你就有时间陪她了。 答案:One Possible Version: Dear Cathy, I am so excited that you’ll come to China and stay with me for a week during the summer vacation. I’ll be free since July 10th after the examination and will have plenty of time to be with you. When you come, please take a plane direct to Xiamen. I’ll meet you at Gaoqi International Airport and them we’ll catch a bus to our school. The weather here in summ关于地球自转方向的准确说法是(  )A.顺时针方向B.逆时针方向C.自东向西D.自西向东
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