
Martin was a good man. He had a small   16  in the town. Only Sam and Henry  17  for him. One day three of them went to the city to buy things for the shop. On the way they   18  a genie (妖怪). The genie said, I can make everyone's wish come true.   19  you tell me your wishes? Three of them said OK.Sam went first. I'd like to   20   the rest of my life living in a big house in St. Thomas   21   any worries. The genie said OK and sent him to ST. Thomas. Henry went   22   .I'd like to live a life  23  on a ship in the Mediterranean because travelling on it wil有人认为:现实主义按照“本来如此”的面目再现生活,浪漫主义按照“应当这样子”表现生活。由此可见现实主义和浪漫主义的共同之处是( )A.反映社会现实问题B.将社会生活理想化C.否定现行社会制度D.情节怪诞离奇虚构
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