
It was a great pleasure for the family to move to a house with a very big garden.Betty and Tony could climb up trees, grow flowers and even play badminton.They liked to watch the birds flying among the trees in the garden.They even started to put food out to attract more birds. Everything was fine for a few days untilone afternoonthere was a strange bumping noise on a window.Betty went outside and found a small birddead on the grass. its neck seemed to be broken. “It must have flown into the window”Tony said when his sister Betty called him to have a look”Ah, yes look here, You 按要求填空。(1)辛弃疾,字________,号________,我国________时期著名词人。《清平乐·村居》中,“________”是词牌名,“村居”是________。(2)这首词通过对________环境的描写,以及对________和________的形象的刻画,构成了淡雅、质朴的艺术境界,表达了作者____________________。
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