
阅读下列材料,回答下面试题 Ⅰ图中数字为“河川夏季平均径流量占年平均径流量百分比”,图中丁地带7.8月份河流流量占全年百分比较小,其主要原因是 A.受副热带高压控制,形成伏旱 B.深居内陆,受海洋水汽影响小 C.处于山脉背风坡,降水少       D.此时农业用水量大,导致缺水严重 甲乙丙三省分别是 A. 赣 黑 新     B.新黑湘    C.皖 赣 内蒙古      D.湘 新 黑Last weekend, my kids along with few other kids from the neighborhood volunteered to help me wash my car. My 10-year-old daughter came up with the idea of   36 other people’s cars as well. It was pretty    37   outside and I had no plans to   38   being in the bright sun. She    39   wanted to give lemonade(柠檬汽水)to passers-by for free. I had seen little kids   40   and sell fresh lemonade for a small cost but not free. Although I felt    41  , I decided to help her.   42   she asked me, “What if we    43   this a smile car wash?” I couldn’t hold back my tears and    44   her and the other kids to go outside the house and come up with    45    ideas. While I kept myself busy in drying the car, the gang walked up to me with a(n)  46  with beautiful images of smiles. They had “Free Car Wash” written on it and the    47    of their exercise was “smile”. It was pretty neat to see a team of kids ranging 5-11 years with the   48 to do something for others. All that seemed  49  and came right from their heart. Nothing seemed to 50    to them: their playtime, the heat outside—they just wanted to   51 others and do something nice in the community! I helped them make some fresh lemonade and brought out some additional   52   to help clean cars. Passers-by were    53    and one even shouted back to them saying “God Bless You, my kids…” One of them even tried giving them 5 dollars, which they refused. A pretty heartwarming  54  ! I feel blessed by being    55   by such wonderful and loving souls.小题1:A.dryingB.washingC.repairingD.decorating小题2:A.quietB.dirtyC.differentD.hot小题3:A.continueB.avoidC.suggestD.practise小题4:A.thereforeB.furtherC.alreadyD.hardly小题5:A.chooseB.serveC.buyD.enjoy小题6:A.confusedB.worriedC.popularD.difficult小题7:A.FinallyB.SimplyC.LuckilyD.Then小题8:A.showB.leaveC.makeD.order小题9:A.challengedB.encouragedC.invitedD.expected小题10:A.creativeB.readyC.changedD.familiar小题11:A.boardB.pictureC.ideaD.car小题12:A.purposeB.troubleC.secretD.theme小题13:A.needB.imaginationC.dutyD.sense小题14:A.importantB.disappointingC.hopefulD.natural小题15:A.matterB.meanC.belongD.refer小题16:A.relaxB.tryC.smileD.help小题17:A.foodB.moneyC.ragsD.fruit小题18:A.interestedB.amazedC.boredD.frightened小题19:A.storyB.sceneryC.sceneD.view小题20:A.surroundedB.understoodC.refusedD.supported
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