
下列描述中,属于气候的是: (    )  A、狂风暴雨      B、夜来风雨声,花落知多少      C、阴雨连绵       D、秋高气爽 答案:D 根据首字母提示补全短文   My brother’s name is Daniel.He i  (1)   thirteen years old.He often plays basketball so he’s fit and healthy.He thinks he needs a lot of energy every day.   He always has s  (2)   bread and an egg.And he also drinks some milk.This helps him s  (3)   the day.   He sometimes has rice w  (4)   fish and an apple for lunch.He really loves fruit.This meal gives him energy for the afternoon and for p  (5)   basketball later.   For d  (6)  , he often has soup, meat and vegetables.He likes vegetables b  (7)   they are good for him.He n  (8)   vitamins to stay h  (9)  .He also thinks it is important to drink lots of water every day because there are n   (10)   calories in water.
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