
 阅读理解。 Many parents don’t teach their children about money: where it comes from, how to save it and how to spend it. Experts(专家) say that parents should educate their children about money when they are very young. So, how to teach your child about money? To begin with, you can teach your child how to count money. Then, you can teach your child how to save money. For example, if your child wants to buy a new bicycle, you can teach him to spend part of the pocket money(零用钱) on the bike, while still keeping some money for ice cream or for going to the movies. In this依次填入下列横线处最恰当的一项是     新春将至,一场罕见的大雪席卷南方。大批战斗在抗灾一线的人们,徒步于深雪之中,运送物资;____________。他们恪尽职守、无私奉献,____________,让节日充满温情与感动,让雪灾中的中国祥和温暖。 A.攀爬于电杆之上,检修线路    严冬的冰雪、灾难的阴影被驱散了 B.攀爬于电杆之上,检修线路    驱散了冬日的严寒、灾难的阴影 C.于电杆之上攀爬,检修线路    驱散了冬日的严寒、灾难的阴影 D.于电杆之上攀爬,检修线路    严冬的冰雪、灾难的阴影被驱散了
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