
下列各句中,没有语病的一句是:(       ) A.由于采取了科技兴农的策略,农业生产发展较快,我国已改变了长期以来粮食生产不能自给的局面。 B.我国宪法规定,任何公民享有宪法和法律规定的权利,同时必须履行宪法和法律规定的义务。 C.我从内心向你表示由衷的祝贺,望再接再厉,争取更大的成绩。 D.如何迅速提高高中学生的写作水平,这是一个中学语文教师关心的问题。完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。Air pollution(污染) is a big problem. It's bad for all ________ things on Earth,and it is not the only one kind of ________ .Water pollution makes fish ________ and pollutes our drinking water. Noise pollution makes us get ________ more easily.Many countries are making rules(规定) to fight against pollution. They try to stop people ________ burning coal(煤)in the city and releasing(排放) dirty smoke into the ________ .And if people use fewer cars,the air will get ________ .________ earth is our home. We must protect it and not destroy it. That is to say, we should keep the land, water and air ________ .At the same time, we had better plant more trees ________ they can provide a lot of things for us and make our earth beautiful.【1】A. living B. good C. dead【2】A. problem B. pollution C. air【3】A. die B. live C. run【4】A. happy B. angry C. excited【5】A. for B. against C. from【6】A. air B. ground C. trees【7】A. more dangerous B. worse C. better【8】A. An B. The C. /【9】A. clean B. dangerous C. healthy【10】A. so B. but C. because
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