
A new Canada Prize for the Arts and Creativity could be in place by 2010,with large cash prizes for emerging(新兴的)artists in dance,music,theatre and visual arts.The prize is the idea of Tony Gagliano and David Pecaut,founders of the Luminato festival,wh0 were probably able to convince the federal government to back it.The federal budget has allocated$.25 million to support the awards open to emerging artists that have the prestige(声望)of a Nobel Prize.    “When you think about the major prizes of the world―the Nobel Prize.in Sweden,the Kyoto prizes in Japan o 中国共.产.党人为了改变中国半殖民地半封建社会状况,在领导新民主主义革命的过程中,曾召开许多重要的会议,下列表述完全正确的是 ①中共一大确定党的中心工作是领导工人运动 ②中共二大第一次在全国人民面前明确提出反帝反封建的民主革命纲领 ③遵义会议事实上确立了以毛.泽东为核心的党中央的正确领导 ④中共七届二中全会决定党的工作重心由城市转移到乡村 [  ] A. ①②③ B. ②③④ C. ①③④ D. ①②③④
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