
下列词语中加点的字,每对读音都不相同的一组是   (       ) A.称赞/称心如意       请帖/俯首帖耳       婢女/不无裨益 B.测量/量人为出       当权/独当一面       契约/锲而不舍 C.稽首/无稽之谈       曝光/一曝十寒       谬误/寥若晨星 D.干练/天干地支       差遣/差强人意       剽悍/虚无缥缈   B. Cultural corner Dragon can be friendly or 1______, they can bring good luck or 2_______ death and destruction. For a creature that doesn’t actually exit, that’s 3_____. In Chinese culture, dragons are 4______and wise, although they can be 5_________. The dragon was closely 6_________ to the royal family. According to popular 7_______, if you were born in the year of the 8_______, you are intelligent, brave and a natural leader. But in the west, dragons had a different 9__________. Why10________the dragon have a different character in different parts of the world? Some experts believe it is 11______to the animals the myths grow out of. In the west, the idea of the dragon probably came from the 12______. But in China, the idea of the dragon came from the 13_________, a good sign for 14_________. So the Chinese dragon was a 15_________ of good fortune.
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