
阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 The Beaver and Its Goal Last fall there was a beaver moving in the small stream beside our house. He immediately began taking down small trees, and within a couple of weeks our small stream turned into a small pond. Every day he added more to his dam and to his house. With the stream now dammed up and his house built, we thought that would be the last of the beaver’s busy activity as winter set in. But ,to our amazement, he started chewing on a very large maple tree. Over the winter, when the weather allowed, h刘宗绪在《从文明演进的角度看历史》中指出:“压迫与反压迫、剥削与反剥削、侵略与反侵略的斗争,以及革命、起义、暴动等等事件与过程,常常被列为重点。实事求是地讲,这些事件中的大部分,多半是属于为争取文明进步而付出的代价。这一切当然是必须讲的。但是如果只讲代价部分,不讲或少讲文明进步本身,不论述文明成果对社会发展的意义,这能算是完整的历史吗?”对上述观点理解正确的是        A.充分肯定阶级斗争是推动人类社会进步的直接动力        B.辩证地看待成果与代价是一种重要的历史研究方法        C.必须从文明演进的角度去研究历史        D.认为“压迫、剥削、侵略”是应该完全肯定的
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