
句型转换。 1. My mother got them yesterday from the post office.(改为一般疑问句)   _____ your mother _____ them yesterday from the post office? 2. I think they would come tonight. (改为否定句) I _____ think they _____come tonight. 3. They are making birthday cards for Brian.(对画线部分提问) What _____they _____for Brain? 4. My group’s favorite subject is physical education. (对画线部分提问) ______  favorite subject ______physical education? 5. We have lived in this neighborhood for two years. (对画线部分提问) ______ ______have you lived in this随着我市经济的快速发展,居民生活水平显著提高,小汽车逐渐走进千家万户.关于小汽车所应用的物理知识,下列说法错误的是 ( )A. 汽车的玻璃上贴的“金属隔热膜”,一定要选透光性很差的膜,才能达到隔热效果B. 汽车的轮胎有凹凸的花纹,为了增大摩擦力C. 汽车的底盘质量都较大,这样可以降低汽车的重心,增加汽车行驶时的平稳度D. 汽车每过一段时间就需要给有关部件加润滑油,是为了减小部件间的摩擦
英语 试题推荐