
Every year during the graduation famous people will talk to thousands of students and their parents. But this time something strange has happened. Each of the big-name speakers seems to speak of the same topic; they are all telling graduates to make the world a better place. So there was Arianna Huffington at Smith College saying “what I advise you to do is not just take your place at the top of the world, but to change the world.” The actress Kerry Washington told students at George Washington University:“The world needs your voice, every one of you.” And then this , from Jeff明清之际三位进步思想家的思想实质是儒家思想在新的历史条件的活跃,他们使儒家思想更趋实事求是,与国计民生靠得更近,由此形成什么思想 A.经世致用思想     B.君主批判思想      C.自由平等思想     D.重农抑商思想
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