
缺词填空。  Yesterday morning, Mr Wu and the other students met Kitty and me at the school gate. Then we g  1   on a coach. The trip from Kitty's school to the World Park took about two hours by coach. It was boring. There was a lot of t  2   on the city roads but it got b  3   when we were on the highway. However, Kitty and I felt s   4    for most of the trip. Finally, we a  5   at the World Park. The sky was blue and everything was beautiful. We became very e  6   when we saw the model Eiffel Tower f  7   the coach! It is made of m  8   and really tal如图为某月沿0°经线海平面平均气压分布图,据图完成第32-33题.
英语 试题推荐